If you are fortunate enough to live, own a property or run a business in Mayfair, West London W1, the very last thing you will want to invite inside, is Dry Rot. This so called brown rot wood decaying fungus is a home owner’s worst nightmare as it spreads rapidly through a property and can destroy the very structure of your home.

If you suspect you have a problem you can rely on Tapco HomeDry to diagnose and eradicate it as we have been carrying out dry rot and damp proofing restoration work in London, Surrey and the Home Counties since 1971. Our 44 years of experience mean we have carried out work to many properties in Mayfair and West London, to deal with Dry Rot and associated Timber and Damp problems.

True Dry Rot (Serpula Lacrymans) can destroy in months what the equally determined wood-boring insect larvae may take years to achieve. Caused usually by a combination of dampness and insufficient ventilation it results from such causes as:

1. Leaking gutters and down-pipes.
2. Defective external rendering.
3. Defective and porous pointing.
4. Rising damp or lateral damp penetration.
5. Leaking plumbing.
6. Leaking flat/pitched roof.

Dry Rot is a primitive form of vegetable life that derives its nourishment from timber by destroying the cellulose, thereby depriving the wood of all its natural strength.

Once established, Dry Rot grows rapidly by branching out fungal strands (Hyphae), even through thick masonry, in its search for more timber on which to feed. It will grow sheets of a substance known as mycelium, which has a foul mushroom type smell.

From this, fruiting bodies (Sporophores) may eventually form, producing millions of airborne spores, which carry the infection elsewhere. This can occur not only throughout this building, but also to other buildings where conditions for germination occur now or in the future.

If you suspect a Dry Rot problem it is important not to delay treatment. Call Tapco Homedry, members of the Property Care Association (PCA) today on 0800 195 9878 for a full Dry Rot and Timber Survey.

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